Tips for Healthy Living During Coronavirus

 In COVID-19, Health Tips

With the coronavirus, or COVID-19, rapidly spreading through Oregon, it is important to take preventative measures to keep your family safe while not allowing panic and anxiety to take over. Many of our lives are being interrupted by the pandemic, and all of us need to do our part to help slow the spread of COVID-19 while continuing to lead healthy lives.

Governor Kate Brown has recommended that all Oregonians practice social distancing, meaning everyone should stay home as much as possible to prevent the spread of the virus. As you navigate this time with your family, here are some tips to keep you healthy, both physically and mentally:

Wash your hands for 20 seconds – Keeping your hands clean and away from your face helps protect you from COVID-19, as well as prevents you from spreading it. Wash your hands while singing the chorus of your favorite song to make sure you’re washing for 20 seconds or more, especially after you have been in a public place, or after sneezing, coughing, or blowing your nose.

Wash your reusable grocery bags – Many Oregonians use reusable grocery bags rather than disposable ones. To avoid potentially carrying COVID-19 into your home after grocery shopping, thoroughly clean your grocery bags and wipe down your groceries as soon as you get home.

Blanch and freeze your veggies – As you may have experienced, grocery stores are often very crowded and can quickly run out of fresh food. Avoid crowded grocery stores by making the most out of what you have in your fridge. Blanch and freeze your fresh vegetables by briefly boiling them, then cooling them in ice water. This retains their color and flavor for future healthy meals.

Take a walk in uncrowded areas – It is harder for COVID-19 to spread outdoors than in confined spaces. If you’re not sick or at high risk of contracting coronavirus, taking a walk or going for a jog or bike ride is safe as long as you avoid crowds. If you are getting cabin fever from social distancing, try taking a walk to boost your mood and move your body.

Disinfect handles and light switches – Regularly disinfect places in your house that you touch often, like your door handles, light switches, TV remote, and phone.

Call your loved ones – In Oregon, all residents are asked to limit social interaction by avoiding contact with other people and social situations as much as possible. However, social distancing can be lonely, even for introverts. Make sure you take time out of your day to call your friends and family to make sure they are doing OK, and for your own mental well-being.

Exercise at home – It is wise to avoid the gym during this time, but you should still aim to get 30 minutes of exercise every day if possible. Search for at-home exercises on YouTube and online!

Disinfect your phone – You touch your phone hundreds of times per day. Make sure you’re not carrying germs and viruses into your home by regularly disinfecting your phone with wipes (not pure alcohol).

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