Annual Reports
2023 Annual Report

As one of sixteen Coordinated Care Organizations in Oregon, Umpqua Health is proud of its stewardship of the Oregon Health Plan and the social contract it has to coordinate and deliver the best care to more than 41,000 individuals who live and work in Douglas County. Our work is guided by the Triple Aim of healthcare delivery; Improve Quality, Enhance Experience, and Lower Costs. We therefore continuously strive to ensure Umpqua Health members have access to the right care, at the right time, in the right place.
Umpqua Health recognizes that the care members receive is inherently linked to the engagement of local provider organizations and community partners. We seek to build partnerships with a robust network of physical, behavioral, and oral health providers to ensure members have access to quality care in a highly coordinated fashion. Umpqua Health, through its local provider network, has consistently scored in the highest tiers for Quality and Access to care as measured by the Oregon Health Authority.