Know your asthma triggers to avoid respiratory complications

 In Health Tips

Everyone should be vigilant in protecting themselves and others from COVID-19. But did you know that people with asthma have a higher risk of getting very sick if they contract coronavirus? The virus can affect your respiratory tract – your nose, throat, and lungs – and cause an asthma attack that could lead to pneumonia or acute respiratory disease. It is important that people with moderate to severe asthma take extra precautions to ensure they stay healthy and coronavirus-free, especially until there is a treatment or vaccine to prevent COVID-19.

Follow you Asthma Action Plan

  • Everyone with asthma needs his or her own Asthma Action Plan to prevent and control asthma attacks. This includes knowing when your asthma is acting up and when to seek immediate attention.
  • Make sure you know how to use your inhaler
  • Take your asthma medication exactly as prescribed
  • Talk to your health care provider, insurer, and pharmacist about creating an emergency supply of prescription medication
  • Avoid your asthma triggers

Keep yourself and your environment clean

  • It is important that people with asthma take social distancing especially seriously, avoiding crowded places and staying at least six feet away from people when in public
  • Clean your hands often, either by washing with soap or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer
  • Avoid sharing personal household items, such as cups and towels
  • If possible, have someone who doesn’t have asthma be in charge of cleaning and disinfecting your environment while you are not in the room
  • Avoid using disinfectants like bleach and glass cleaner that can cause an asthma attack

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